Experiencing emotions more deeply than others, feeling and responding strongly to emotions in the world around you, and continuously seeking to minimize stress in your environment. Do these remind you of yourself or someone you know? It may be time to learn more about super feelers.
A Definition
Emotions are something we all experience regularly. Super feelers, however, have a much more robust experience of the same emotions. They feel their emotions with more depth and intensity and are incredibly sensitive to the emotions of others around them, even if they are not made obvious. It is more evident in children, primarily because their brains are not yet fully able to calm emotion (this is a skill that develops as the brain finishes forming).
Signs of a Super Feeler
Numerous signs identify a super feeler. Bedford Therapy provides six signs that can be used to identify a super feeler that can be a good starting point. You can also consider characteristics of super feelers:
- Interactions with own emotions-Super feelers will feel their own emotions intensely.
- Interactions with their environment-Super feelers pick up on and respond to the feelings in their environment.
- Response to threats-Super feelers tend to be more aware of threats in their environment (Eg. someone raising their voice).
- Protective/Problem-Solver Tendencies-Super feelers will likely try to protect themselves and others from pain and actual or perceived threats. They also utilize problem-solving tendencies to alleviate stress (caused by conflicts) that they notice in people around them.
- Response to Emotions-Super feelers are often either people pleasers and appear agreeable (a way of preventing conflict and decreasing stress in the environment), explosive, or even avoidant of situations.
Becoming a Super Feeler
Genetics play a key role in the development of a super feeler. Adverse experiences or significant stressors experienced early in life also contribute.
Interactions with the World
Super feelers are often skilled at hiding this quality, but they often end up feeling isolated when they cannot understand and express their experiences to others. They are often more vulnerable to the development of other mental disorders, including anxiety, depression, and eating disorders, as well as other chronic health issues.
How to Help Super Feelers Succeed
Super feelers often perform very well once they have learned how to manage emotions (through brain development and learned skills). Before these skills develop, additional supports may be needed from adults and those around them to help manage emotions, especially in children. In the professional world, super feelers often succeed in “caring professions”, meaning any job requiring them to take care of others- medical professionals, psychologists, social workers, teachers or childcare providers, or other similar jobs.
Click here for more information about super feelers.